Scenario As usual when you don’t do something for a very long time, it is easy to forget what you knew already. I had to […]
Small date time is garbage and you should stop using it
Smalldatetime has been obsolete for a long time now get with the program A major pet peeve of mine is the smalldatetime datatype from SQL […]
IIS application pool exploit
What? That’s what I said too when I first discovered the exploit. I didn’t think it was so easily possible to extract usernames and passwords […]
Error: The SQL command requires a parameter named “”, which is not found in the parameter mapping.
Gotcha This is a problem I have encountered a few times already when using SSIS with an OLE DB Source and a stored procedure. All […]
Adding assembly version information to dotnet core projects
Gotcha In dot net framework the assembly information was located inside of a Properties folder where you would find the “AssemblyInfo.cs” file and you could […]
SSIS loop and container continue on error
Obscure and not straight forward This is one of those things I can never remember because it doesn’t come up that often. This is usually […]
LinqPad quick reference
This is a quick post for my own ignorance. On occasion I use LinqPad to make changes in a database and I find the stock […]
Visual Studio 2017 SSIS unable to start debugging
Error details For what it’s worth here are the error details. Microsoft’s handling of SSDT isn’t good I have criticized Microsoft about this before here […]
Pivoting data without an aggregation column
Don’t use PIVOT for non-aggregate-able data I ran into a rather displeasurable experience where a separate team of people built some very important tools for […]
Could not load file or assembly System.Web.WebPages.Deployment
I encountered this problem when moving from an old machine to a new machine. I vaguely recall having this problem once before, but it was […]