Using Code or an Application I wrote?

Hi there – chances are you stumbled across this page by click on the link above or maybe you found your way here using the link provided in the “About” box in one of my applications. In either case – if you really appreciate the code or application I wrote and you want to give me a big thank you – you can comment about it below and if I really made your day – please consider giving me a tip via PayPal. The PayPal links are on the right – thank you!


All of the applications provided on this page are provided with source code and a compiled version or an installer. These applications are free to share, distribute and copy/modify – please just give me credit for my work where appropriate. These applications are always a work in progress, but that work only occurs when I have time to work on them. Any bugs found can be emailed to I cannot promise fix dates or anything of the like – hence why these programs are free. However if you found these programs to be enjoyable and/or useful please consider giving me a tip. You can tip me using the PayPal button to the right.

  • 2014.11.17 – Updated this page with 3 applications.
  • 2014.11.15 – I will be updating this page soon with 3 applications I have been working on for a while now.
  • 2014.05.25 – I am through with trying to work with Android – nothing against people who work with Java and Android, but I don’t have that kind of time to waste trying to figure out why Eclipse won’t behave or why I have to write a book worth of code for just about anything in Java. I am moving over to Windows phone when I get a chance and I am going to start developing applications in C# like I have always wanted to do.
  • For more updates about code I am working on just go directly to my GitHub repositories.

PDF Merging Utilities (DOB 2014.11.17)

I wrote a PDF Merging Utility that will allow you to simply merge PDFs together or collate PDFs together. There are plenty of merging utilities available, but I have not seen any collation utilities which is really surprising because it isn’t rocket science.

There are some really basic things that people need to do with PDFs sometimes and I really don’t think they should have to pay anyone to do them since these basic operations are so simple. This utility uses iTextSharp v5.5.1.0 and the basis of the code, 99% of it was taken from this StackOverflow article:

GitHub Link:

WCF Services Security via Authorization (DOB 2014.05.24)

I wrote complete code for performing Authorizations for a WCF Service using Message Inspectors. This is best explained in this article I wrote here. Huge thanks to Paolo Pialorsi because I have been trying to figure out how to implement any type of security into WCF for more than 2 years.

GitHub Link:

Gamer’s Clock (DOB 2013.07.29)

I wrote a desktop application I use while playing video games so that I can see how long I have been playing said game and it tells me the current date and time always. This clock is customizable and the settings/configuration are saved automatically. This program is best used with two monitors. Lastly, it doesn’t always work because it depends on the game you are playing – it might dislodge the clock window and shove it somewhere out of view while you are playing your game. This application will use a whopping 40 MB during run time because there is a memory leak with Microsoft’s DateTime class. I tried to avoid this problem by using a TimeUtility found here. That link explains the DateTime memory problem – unfortunately it still uses about 40 MB (which is silly). This program also utilizes a semi-free library named “Extended WPF Toolkit” by XCEED for it’s color picker and some other items. It is a very nice library – you can get it via NuGet.

GitHub Link:

Simple Class Creator (DOB 2013.08.27)

This program is the ultimate time saver for when you need to create a DTO from a query, table name or from an assembly. Here are all of the articles related to this program here. This is a constant work in progress, because I use it on and off and this program is due for more updates. The DTO Maker portion does not work in the UI – but the code works in the Library.

GitHub Link: