05/25/2014 UPDATE: I moved the code to a different project. I have made a number of changes since 2012. 11/14/2015 UPDATE: I moved my whole […]
Common Base Class Work Around for Page and UserControl
The Gotcha This is a really sore subject for me because I have tried finding a unifying factor for both sets of objects, but the […]
GridView does not have a default Insert Support
Here is a fun fact for you. The ASP.NET GridView control does not have default Insert Support for your objects, even if you are using […]
Entity Framework: Executing SQL Strings
I’ve griped about this before, not sure why everything has to be so complicated with EF at times, but holy hell executing just a simple […]
Entity Framework: Basic CRUD Operations
I like Entity Framework (EF), I think it is a little too rigid sometimes and it would be very nice if there was a very […]
WCF: Why isn’t my object showing up on the client side?
I had a minor head-palm moment a few minutes ago. Problem I declared an object in my WCF service with the correct DataContract and DataMember […]
New cannot be used on a type parameter that does not have a new constraint
This is not such an obscure problem as it is just not straight forward to solve. Simply put you cannot instantiate a new instance of […]
Custom Controls in ToolStrip or StatusStrip
This is not something I have had to deal with too often which is why it wasn’t apparent to me the first time around. FACT: […]
Telerik RadGridView Column Format Calamity
Wow… just wow. I lost about an hour trying to figure out a: TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of invocation. This is […]
DataGridViewButtonColumn Text Won’t Show
This is a stupid Gotcha, like most Gotchas it is just irritating and something that frankly could have been designed better. The Gripe If you […]