This is probably one of the more annoying errors I have ever encountered with IIS7. All the information I was finding for it online was […]
How to Iterate Through all Enums from a Class in C#
This took me a good while to figure out. This is specifically for looping through multiple enumerations declared inside of a class. This code would […]
How to connect to a remote SQL Server
I posted about this on I think I will revisit this later to find the correct 1 way solution to this problem.
Cisco IP Communicator Virtual IP Phone Hijacks Port 80 When You Aren’t Looking
I have reproduced this problem so it isn’t a bunch of hooey or heresy. If you are using the “Cisco IP Communicator” Virtual IP Phone […]
Windows 7: How to locate a task you created in the Task Scheduler
I created a task recently in the windows 7 task scheduler and I couldn’t find my task after I created it. I saw other people […]
Monetized my site
I monetized my site cause I am a poor bastard and maybe I can make a few cents, who knows. Wasn’t really doing this to […]
How to install sql server management studio 2008 component only
I posted an answer to this question on Stack Overflow here
Storing null in a Column will compile, but will cause run time exception
You can legally store a null in a column from a data row and the code will compile. Don’t do this thought because it will […]
This is something that I don’t do often, but it pops up every now and again. I always forget how to do it, so I […]
Background goes white on post back
Have you ever been working on a web form or aspx page, then on post back the background color just turns white? That is due […]